Happiness – What’s Holding You Back

Happiness is something that can be elusive. One day you have feel it, the next day you don’t. Sometimes we look to others or things to make us happy – our spouse or significant other, a friend, or a job. We think when we lose that 20 pounds we’ll be happy, when we get that new car we’ll be happy, earn more money or buy that outfit, and we’ll be happy.

That fact is, happiness comes from within. We look for it outside of ourselves, but the reality is that it comes from within. We need to do particular things to create happiness habits.

In my book, YES, I Can: The Mindset, Mantra and Motivation for Success, I talk about three pillars. Let’s look at these pillars and how they relate to happiness.

  • Self-Care: This is a piece that cannot be forgotten. We give, give, give to everyone else in our life and end up with little or nothing left for ourselves. Taking care of YOU shouldn’t feel like a selfish thing – it’s about filling you up so that you can give to the people who mean the most to you.  Everything from prayer and meditation, to a walk in the fresh air, to exercise and nourishing your body, to nurturing your relationships and even volunteer work. All of that is self-care!
  • Sacred Space: Do you hold boundaries? Do you have special places for you? Sacred space can be virtual, physical, emotional and relational. Protect the space around you. Create special places for work and fun, block time in your calendar for YOU, hold to boundaries with family or friends, make your space – wherever you are and whatever you are doing, sacred to you.
  • Support: This is critical. Yes, happiness comes from within. We cannot buy it, manufacture it, sell it, fake it or steal it. But if we surround ourselves with nourishing friends, positive role models, grounded mentors and even coaches, counselors and professional resources, we can ensure we have the support we need to move through the darker days.

YES, I Can is about living a life of YES for you! There is nothing selfish about it. In fact, it’s the most selfless act you can do.