Is It Luck?

Is it luck? Maybe… sometimes. But in general, no.

Success is years and years of hard work with blood, sweat and yes, tears. And even then, it’s a daily choice. Here are 3 things you need to do every day if you plan to succeed.

Be uncomfortable.…yep, stretch. If you live in your comfort zone, forget it. You will be mediocre at best. It’s scary but know you aren’t the only one on the ledge.

Be accountable….find someone, no excuses. Hold each other accountable. Set stretch goals and check in, at minimum once a month, preferably a 10 minute weekly check-in call (5 minutes each).

Celebrate.… even the littlest tiny wins. Each week you do numerous tasks, all leading to success in multiple areas of your life. It’s time you stand up and celebrate those wins, daily.

Stop wishing on a prayer and hoping for the best. You have control of you and your actions. You can think others are “lucky” or YOU can BELIEVE in yourself. Stand up, put those sassy pants on and say YES I CAN to all the opportunity that is in front of you!