Who am I?

I am known as the YES I CAN Coach.

Why? Because I’ve “been there” and “done that”.

I started and grew a 6 figure business – and sold it. But that’s only the top visible layer.

I’ve done the work..peeling back my layers of fear and failure, discovering what my real YES is (and why that was important to me), designing the business and lifestyle I wanted and claiming it. And I have helped others do the same through my signature YES Method™ programs. I walk my talk.

My life experiences make me who I am today – a successful, motivated, driven entrepreneur who coaches others to bring out the best in them and their business.

Starting with the principles and the foundation, to building a strategy and plan, my YES I CAN coaching will help you say YES to building the business and lifestyle YOU deserve!

I offer customized coaching solutions based around your individual needs. My YES Method™ breaks the steps down into bite-sized digestible nuggets. I hold you accountable for the work that only you can do and help you get out of your own way when necessary.

I am accessible, dedicated and will help you own your YES. I’ll dish out some tough love with real compassion as its sidekick.

Years of Experience
Happy Clients
Success Stories
People Impacted

See Cathy in Action:

Bring Alignment, Engagement and Leadership to Your Audience!

Speaker Topics

Stop the Insanity -
The Must-Have Marketing Strategies for Success

Marketing is one of the most critical ingredients in a successful business, but it doesn’t always come easy. The confusion around what to do and the overwhelm to do it can leave business owners stuck.

During Cathy’s presentation, you will learn:
 - Quick and easy marketing strategies you can implement immediately with little or no cost
- The most important marketing tools you must use in your business for massive results
- Which solutions are right for YOU and YOUR business and how to use them to create a complete marketing plan

Exposed: Be Seen, Get Heard, Connect

Are you attending networking meetings but don't seem to convert your leads to sales? Are you out speaking at events but having a hard time connecting with the attendees? Maybe you are thinking about hosting your own event to make more money but don't know where to begin?

During Cathy’s presentation, you learn:
- Proven strategies to connect and build relationships
- The 3 things you must have to begin speaking
- What you need to consider in planning your own successful event

The YES Factor-
Essentials to Empower You to Greatness

Tired of saying “NO” to the things you really want? Feel like you may be missing something but not sure what? Questioning “is this it”? Stop waiting to live your best life and begin to follow your dreams today. Learn how to step into the life you are meant to live – using the YES Factor to design your life for fulfillment, fun and fabulousness, inside and out.

During Cathy’s presentation, you learn:
 - Five key factors for success both personally and professionally
- Simple steps to be fully present in all areas of your life
- The one powerful word that can change your life

Get Your YES On - A Half Day Experience

YES I CAN begins with a mindset. It's living "all in" and playing "full out" in ALL areas of your life! In this ½ day workshop, Cathy walks you through her 5 Step YES Success System.  You will walk away with concrete tools and strategies to grow you business and change your life!

During Cathy’s ½ day workshop, you learn:
- The Principles that drive success
- The Foundation needed for BIG growth
- The Strategy to increase your bottom line
- The Secrets or "secret sauce" that pulls it all together

The Power of YES: Leading from Within

If you aren't a leader, you're a follower. To lead by example one must start by leading from a place within. Cathy shares her compelling stories of challenge and success to motivate and inspire her audience to say YES, I CAN and embrace their own leadership potential.

During Cathy's presentation, you learn:
- The core principles of leading from within
- The three pillars of leading by example
- How a strategic YES can change everything

Just Say YES: Frazzled to Fulfilled

Juggling work and home life is one of the most difficult aspects of a woman's daily life. With multiple demands as a business woman, wife, mother, cook, caretaker, partner, friend, taxi driver, philanthropist and volunteer, overwhelm and burnout can quickly become the norm.

During Cathy's presentation, you learn:
- Strategies to conquer overwhelm and become more productive and efficient
- The three keys to achieve work-life balance
- Why a YES is as important as a NO


“Cathy Johnson spoke to my chapter about the marketing tools that a 21st Century female business owner needs to embrace.Her user-friendly presentation delivered the information and facts that she successfully used in her own business. It’s always a delight to listen and learn from someone who has successfully walked the walk…no theory, just practical applications.”

Sherrill Calhoun, eWomen Network, Fresno

“Cathy, you have touched lives – you have touched mine. You give me the inspiration to carry on in what I want to do.”

Michele Broad, Well Woman Network

“I got chills when Cathy opened with her story of transformation and the authenticity she showed on stage was breathtaking.”

Kim Acedo, Publisher

“Cathy Johnson is perfect for any type of speaking where you want to keep your audience’s fueled with energy and excitement. Her infectious smile and passion for motivating an audience is instantly recognizable and received. We were thrilled when she said “YES” to emcee our two-day event for women business owners. I highly recommend Cathy for your next event when you want to ensure that your attendees stay motivated and inspired throughout the event.”

Joy Chudacoff, Smart Women Smart Solutions

“Cathy was our opening keynote speaker for both our conferences in Dallas and in the Northeast. She delivered with her “YES, I Can” message. It was perfect for our conference of hundreds of “ambitious women”. Cathy has a sincere and genuine story which is so relatable to all women with an inspiring message.”

Esther Spina, Founder, Ambitious Women Conference