What’s In a Brand?

On the heels of the Superbowl – a huge brand in itself, I found myself taking a more critical eye on brand image, mission and alignment. All those commercials – some were great but many left me wondering why waste your money. But what about your brand?

As a solo-preneur or small business owner, how do you best create and convey your brand message?

Let’s start with – it’s much more than your logo. In fact, the logo comes after all the hard work is done! Your brand says everything about you and your company. Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon says “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” In fact, I say your brand is everything from how you walk into a networking event to how you post on social media.

So where do you begin? With your vision, purpose and mission. Ask yourself these questions…

Vision: What do you see for your business? What is your point of view and perspective? Who are you and what do you stand for? What matters?

Purpose: Why are you here? What problems do your solve? What makes you different from all the others? And why should people care?

Mission: How do you plan to make a difference? Whats makes you stand out?

Creating a strong brand is a process. Once you have the questions answered, along with questions like your ideal client or customer, you’ll be able to create your logo and brand voice that will resonate with your target audience and then use that to voice to speak to them with the benefits you provide.

Whether you already have a brand or not, now is the perfect time to take a close look at whether your brand image, message and purpose align. We’ll be taking a dive into your unforgettable brand at my next retreat – SPARK! Join us March 18 & 19th in Marina Del Rey (Los Angeles) California. www.CathyAlessandra.com/events